June 25, 2010

Prairie dogs at rest
Photo by: Thomas Ricks (Stock Exchange)
Today’s AllCampgrounds blog continues our hunt for the wildest, wackiest, most majestic, and most amazing wildlife you can see at parks and camp grounds around the country. So far, we’ve spotted bald eagles and followed the trail of the American bison, known far and wide as the buffalo. Now, we’ll drop in on nature’s latest TV star, the prairie dog. Prairie dogs are fascinating creatures with habits that have intrigued and enticed everyone from your average nature lover to documentary filmmakers. These manic little ground squirrels are private by nature, but there are some places perfect for getting a glimpse of them – and doing some prime tent camping while you’re at it. (more…)
June 21, 2010

The American bald eagle, a “rite of passage” for many bird watchers
Photo by: Rob Sylvan (Stock Exchange)
A while back on AllCampgrounds, we got started with a great new series where we’ll show you just where to go to enjoy some of nature’s most spectacular creatures while you enjoy your tent camping or RV camping vacations. We got started with some of the top camp grounds in the nation for seeing bald eagles and other rare and amazing birds, but there’s just one thing missing: a guide to getting started in this fascinating hobby. After all, everybody should be in on the fun. So, we’re going to talk Birding 101 today.
June 17, 2010

This buffalo is ready for his close-up
Photo by: Gabriela Pernecka (Stock Exchange)
One of the most iconic scenes of the American prairie is of the herd of buffalo, some of the most striking and powerful animals out of our shared heritage.
Buffalo, also known as American bison, are the largest land animals in North America and are exclusive to this continent.
In the Old West, the buffalo meant survival to frontier settlers; and as time went on, these giant creatures were nearly hunted to extinction for their meat and hide.
Luckily, the buffalo is one of nature’s great success stories, with a little help from concerned naturalists.
Today, there are camp grounds throughout the Midwest that offer prime opportunities to see the American bison live and in person. Let’s visit a few now. (more…)
June 15, 2010

The black-headed bunting, one of about 2,000 bird species in North America
Photo by: Akbar Nemati (Stock Exchange)
Today on AllCampgrounds, we embark on a whole new journey to find the best camp grounds for your nature-watching needs.
Just about everyone who loves camping loves to enjoy nature up close, and there’s no better way to enjoy it than a good, clear view of local wildlife you just can’t see day-to-day.
Of course, we all know that you’ve got to “leave no trace”, and nobody is better at this than experienced bird watchers. So, to get started, we’ll be picking out the best of all campsites for birding.