Alaska Campground Owners Association - (866) 339-9082
Non-profit association offers memberships for campground and RV park owners as well as associate memberships for tourism related businesses.
Arizona Travel Parks Association - (520) 323-2872
AZARVC is a statewide association of RV parks and resorts, campgrounds, industry suppliers and other individuals and organizations to promote the growth and welfare of the campground and RV park industries.
California Travel Parks Association - (530) 885-1624
Lists the members of the California Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds.
Colorado Campground & Lodging Owners Association - (888) 686-8549
CCLOA is a not for profit trade association representing “the best” RV parks, campgrounds and lodges in Colorado.
Connecticut Campground Owners Association - (860) 521-4704
CCOA will inform you of all the benefits of camping in Connecticut. They will help you plan your stay, and inform about tourist and historic attractions as well as helpful tips on camping.
The Florida Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (Florida ARVC)
- (850) 562-7151
Founded in 1964, Florida ARVC is a non profit trade association representing the owners and operators of Florida campgrounds and RV Parks.
Florida KOA Owners Association - (941) 637-1188
Directory of KOA kampgrounds in the state of Florida.
Fox valley Tents and Wheels
Not-for-profit family camping club in the Chicago area that focuses on pop-up and tent camping.
Indiana ARVC - RVIC - (800) 837-7842
Recreation Vehicle Indiana Council (RVIC) is a non-profit trade association representing the camping and RV industry in Indiana. RVIC is a proud affiliate of the National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (ARVC).
Indiana Campground Owners Association - (888) 291-5066, ext. #3862
Lists campgrounds by Name, City, Popular Amenities and a clickable interactive Indiana State Map.
Kansas Association of RV Parks & Campgrounds - (877) 225-2782
An association of RV parks and campgrounds who believe in providing great Kansas camping experiences to the RVing public.
KAN_RVT - Kansas RV Parks & Travel, Inc. - (800) 808-5778
The Official Link of Kansas RV Parks and Tourism" - Kansas - "Right smack dab in the Middle".
OKAMO - Oklahoma, Kansas & Missouri KOA Owners Association - (417) 532-3422
Louisiana Campground Owners Association - (225) 346-1857
A “Camping in Louisiana Directory,” features a color coded map illustrating the different regions of Louisiana.
Acadia Information Center - (207) 993-2874
Information to plan a visit to Arcadia national Park, Bar Harbor, Mount Desert Island, Downeast Maine and Atlantic Canada.
Maine Campground Owners Association - (207) 782-5874
You can search for a Maine campground, find information on Maine attractions, and resources on the industry such as upcoming trade shows.
Maryland Association of Campgrounds - (301) 271-7012
Website of the private campground owners of Maryland. You can search an interactive state map to find a campground, or request a printed camping directory.
Massachusetts Association of Campground Owners (781) 544-3475
Website features a regional directory with links for campground directories, regional attractions, recreation ideas and links to camping and RV vendors.
Michigan Association of RV Parks & Campgrounds
A regularly updated directory of Michigan campgrounds divided in to Upper Peninsula, Northern Michigan, and Lower Michigan
Eager Beaver Camping Club
Greater Lancing, Michigan chapter of Family Campers and RVers (FCRV). Members camp in everything from tents to motorhomes and meet for weekend campouts and potluck dinners. Includes photos and information request form.
The Early Risers
Detroit, Michigan chapter of International Family Campers and RVers (FCRV). They offer organized events and fellowship. Newsletter, schedule of events, photos, and information request form.
A.Y.W.U. Camping Association
A Michigan based organization for camping and outdoor activities bringing together families and friends.
The Minnesota Resort & Campground Association
A not-for-profit organization that protects, educates and promotes the resort and campground industry.
Lake of the Ozarks Campground Owners - (573) 348-3445
A directory of campgrounds, RV parks and services around the Lake of the Ozarks.
Missouri Association of RV Parks & Campgrounds - (573) 564-2551
A non profit trade association representing the campgrounds and RV parks in Missouri.
Missouri State Parks - (800) 334-6946
Missouri Department of Natural Resources website, lists places to stay, places to go, things to know, and things to do outdoors in Missouri.
OKAMO - Oklahoma, Kansas & Missouri KOA Owners Association - (417) 532-3422
Campground Owners Association of Montana - (406) 273-2060
Website features an interactive map with listings of members of Campground Owners Association of Montana (COAM).
New Hampshire Campground Owners Association - (603) 846-5511
Directory of 155 private and public Campgrounds and RV Parks that are members of the New Hampshire Campground Owners Association. Directory page has an interactive map broken down into regions.
New Jersey Campground Owners Association - (800) 2-CAMP-NJ

The most complete source of information regarding camping in New Jersey. Each region features a region map. Campground search, and a listing campers favorite places.
Campground Owners of New York - (716) 335-2710
CONY is a for profit trade association dedicated to the promotion, growth, improvement, and development of privately owned campgrounds.
North Carolina Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds - (919) 779-5709
Website features a directory of RV Parks and camping sites in North Carolina and
South Carolina as well as on line registration.
OCOA - Ohio Campground Owners Association - (614) 486-3425
The official web site of the Ohio Campground Owners Association (OCOA), a group of privately owned and operated campgrounds throughout Ohio.
North Coast Family Campers
Northern Ohio based family camping club welcomes any type of camping unit as well as tents. Their membership includes young children to happily retired people.
OKAMO - Oklahoma, Kansas & Missouri KOA Owners Association -
(417) 532-3422
Pennsylvania Campground Owners Association - (888) 660-7262
The PCOA is a non profit trade association representing individually owned and operated Pennsylvania RV Parks and campgrounds.
South Carolina Campground Owners Association - (843) 238-5155
South Carolina page on
South Dakota Campground Owners Association - (605) 666-4605
You can search for South Dakota campgrounds by site type, amenities and other criteria such as State/National Park or Pet friendly parks.
Texas Association of Campground Owners(Taco) - (800) 657-6555
Website features a directory to find a park by parks name, major city or any town. Also has links for news, coupons, trip info things to see and do as well as camper reviews.
Deep South Texas Campgrounds & Resorts - (800) 847-6383
Directory of Deep South Texas and the Rio Grande Valley campgrounds and RV Parks also includes links for what to do, area businesses and chambers of commerce.
Vermont Campground Association, Inc.
VCA members include most private campgrounds and all Vermont state parks that offer camping. Their main goal is to help campers enjoy their stay in Vermont.
RV Parks Association of Olympic Peninsula
Directory of campgrounds and RV parks located on Washington's Olympic Peninsula.
Washington Association of RV Parks & Campgrounds - (509) 233-2081
Wisconsin Association of Campground Owners - (608) 429-3061
Website contains camping information on privately held campgrounds throughout the state of Wisconsin, and are members of WACO. Features an interactive map separated into regions.
Wyoming Campground Association
The Wyoming Campground Association is a directory of Private Campgrounds and RV Parks across the state of Wyoming.
Canadian Provinces
Alberta Camping Association
A volunteer, not-for-profit organization that has been working towards the betterment of camping in Alberta since 1949.
Ontario Camping Association
The OCA is a voluntary, non-profit organization that draws its membership from camps, individuals and like-minded organizations and agencies, all devoted to maintaining high standards for organized camping, and to sharing information and ideas that maintain these standards.
International Associations
Northumbrian Tent Camping Association
A UK based organization established in 1975, whose members enjoy the art of tent camping in secluded sites, and leaving behind no mark.
Clubs and Activities for Kids
Boy Scouts of America
Camping is a fundamental activity to a scout. You can find the requirments for a camping merit badge at
Campfire USA
Their mission is to build caring, confident youth and future leaders. Camp Fire USA offers camps that build developmental activities that lead to positive youth development outcomes.
Girl Scouts of the USA
They offer day and resident camps that encourages girls to have fun, meet new friends, and learn new skills.
A directory of day and overnight summer camps for kids with a variety of themes to choose from. 
National Wildlife Federation
Tips for camping with kids, packing list, first aid supplies and safe camping.